Your students have a lot they want to tell you
Topical Storm's Morning Check-In will give them a chance.
Students can't function academically when they are stressed emotionally. Topical Storm's "Morning Check-In" app lets you see with unmatched privacy what each of your students is thinking and feeling each day.
​​It's like having a morning paper filled with news about your classroom.
​​The check-in is a one-minute daily routine that builds meaningful connections between you and your students. You can follow their daily progress, help them overcome difficulties, and celebrate their successes. It will make a positive difference in each student's life and in the spirit of your classroom.
​We are offering free subscriptions for a limited time. See “Contact” to request an account.
To introduce the program, here are some conversations with 4th grade teacher Kathleen McDonald, co-creator of Morning Check-In:
She uses the responses to understand students better and provide needed services.
Students appreciate the program's privacy. They often prefer sharing sensitive information via the check-in instead of speaking it aloud, even one-to-one.
Kathy describes what it's like to have her students do their check-in every day and how it allows every child to be heard in a busy classroom.
Other school staff, including her principal, find the data to be valuable.