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How do
educators use
Morning Check-In?

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How do you view the response data?

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There's a button on the teacher dashboard.

  • If you teach in a single classroom, you see responses from the students in your class.


  • If you co-teach multiple classrooms, you can select which class to view. Specialists and administrators can request logins to view more than one class. One example is the All School View.


  • A counselor or principal might want to see who in the school is angry or worried on a given day. You can also see historical trends for a student or class.

By default, you see today's responses. You can also select a range of dates.

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Clicking a student shows history for that student, so you can see developing patterns. The student shown here was just fine until some looming events caused them to worry.

Any view of the data can be downloaded to a spreadsheet by clicking a button.

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Who uses the response data?

  • Teachers use the data to see which students need additional care that day and to recognize positive accomplishments.


  • Parents at teacher conferences appreciate being able to follow their child's emotional development during the year.


  • School counselors and psychologists use the data to justify services for at-risk students. 

This info has been invaluable for the last round of conferences!

              - 4th grade teacher in Walpole MA


I have to say I love the program and gain valuable insight into how my students are really feeling! Just recently I was able to "pull" student reported feelings for our school's guidance counselor so she could help a student work through some things he was dealing with at home.

               - 4th grade teacher in Walpole MA

NEXT: Who created this app?

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Steve Herbst

Founder and Developer


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